Department of Tourism Privacy Policy




For statistics and security purposes, your visit to our website is tracked by Google Analytics. However, please note that we do not access, collect, store nor use any information that which will or can identify any individual. Only non-identifiable web traffic data are analyzed, including:


Your IP address

The search terms you used

The pages and internal links accessed on our site

The date and time you visited the site


The referring site or platform (if any) through which you clicked through to this site

Your operating system

Web browser type



Department of Tourism and its affiliates are not responsible for the contents of other websites linked within the Department of Tourism website and other affiliate website. Once you leave the website, we have no control over the privacy and security of information you provide to others.


Use of Cookies


Some portion of the website uses cookies to keep track of our users anonymously. In this way, we can provide you with better customer service. If you wish not to accept cookies automatically, you can set your browsers to prompt you to accept or not to accept cookies from our website. 


Personal Information


Using this site and its services requires no personal information from you as our visitor. However, in the event of any online application, we will need to collect certain information about you. We do not share personal information about you with outside parties. 


Protection Measures


Only authorized personnel can have access to these personal information. 




In line with our desire to comply with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (“DPA”) and in full compliance with the National Privacy Commission, we are committed to ensuring both the privacy of information that may be collected from you as well as our legitimate interests to fully and effectively carry out our responsibilities as such. 


Access to Information 


Your personal data is accessed and used by who have legitimate interest in said data for the purpose of carrying out their mandated duties. 


We use and share your information as permitted and/or required by law to pursue our legitimate interests.


Data Protection


We shall implement reasonable and appropriate organizational, physical and technical security measures for the protection of personal data which we collected. We shall only permit access or processing of your personal data by personnel who may be authorized to hold and/or process said data under strict confidentiality. 


Any data security incident or breach that is raised shall be recorded and reported forthwith as required by law. We will undertake any and all required steps to address such breach. 


Right to Privacy


You may object to the processing of your personal data, request access to the same, and or have the same corrected, erased, or blocked on reasonable grounds, as provided for under the DPA.