Where better to learn the ropes of business than in a school that's strategically located at the heart of Makati City's Central Business District? By being in the midst of the country's finance and economic hub. iACADEMY is perfectly positioned to place its students within reach of companies and industries that they will eventually join. In addition, iACADEMY was founded by some of the country's movers and shakers, giving our students the advantage of having the necessary tools to make sound buisiness decisions in the future.

Courses Offered

Social Media: Digital Content and Strategy

It seeks to develop a keen understanding and appreciation on the use and development of social media strategies. The participants will get an overview of significant aspects of the process of optimizing value of social media in business, specifically from the goals setting, social listening, measurement and reporting, as well as creating an effective content for marketing.    



1.  Introduction to Social Media

2.  Setting Social Media Marketing Goals & Priorities

3.  Understanding Social Media Listening

4.  Developing Social Media Persona and Brand Voice

5.  Setting Social Media Platform Strategy

6.  Creating Content for Social Media

7.  Social Media Measurement and Reporting

8.  Trends and Challenges in Social Media

9.  Social Media for Advocacy

10. Digital Strategy for Start Ups: Tips and Tricks for your Business


Technopreneurship: Turning Ideas into Business opportunities

It tackles basic theories and principles of technopreneurship. Emphasis is given on the use of technology in scouting and developing entrepreneurial ventures. Participants are expected to scout their environment and point out entrepreneurial ventures that can be possible explored for profit.

Develop Your Personal Brand

Participants will learn the importance of building an effective personal brand. The workshop will focus on the techniques how to create online and offline presence, target the appropriate audience, expand professional relationships and sustain the brand.


Day 1

1. Brand Marketing 

     1.1.What is a BRAND?

     1.2.Why have a BRAND?

     1.3.What does a BRAND bring to a product/service?

2. Personal Branding

    2.1. What is it?

    2.2. Why the need to have it?

    2.3. What does it bring you as a freelancer/third-party contractor?

3. Criteria for Effective Authentic Personal Branding 











4. Starting a Successful Personal Brand 

    4.1. Authenticity: Who are you?

        4.1.1. What are your values?

        4.1.2. Prioritize your values

        4.1.3. Identify your passions

        4.1.4. Identify your personality traits

        4.1.5. How do others see you?

    4.2. Vision: Where do you want to be? Where do you want to be?

        4.2.1. What aspects of your life have been rewarding?

        4.2.2. Narrow down to a potential vision

        4.2.3. Create an ideal career ending

        4.2.4. Take steps back from your ideal career ending to the    


        4.2.5. Compare the Vision against your Values

    4.3. Model: Find others that are worth emulating

        4.3.1. List the people you admire

        4.3.2. Take a deeper look at their lives

        4.3.3. Rank the people with career arc similar to your aspirations

        4.3.4. Learn the steps these people took

        4.3.5. Make adjustments to improve on the path they took

    4.4 Better: Developing your professional image

        4.4.1. Consistency

        4.4.2. Creativity

        4.4.3. Memorable

        4.4.4. Professionalism

        4.4.5. Photos

        4.4.6. Website

        4.4.7. Email and Email Signature

5. Identifying your target audience

    5.1 What is your product/service?

        5.1.1. Details

        5.1.2. What is it for me?

    5.2. 3 kinds of people that will fit your target audience

        5.2.1. The Client

        5.2.2. The Influencer/Decision Maker

        5.2.3. Your Supporters

    5.3. Creating a Target Audience Matrix

        5.3.1. Know who the person is via Demographic and Psychographic Information

        5.3.2. Identify the Person’s Motivation

        5.3.3. Creating Descriptions

        5.3.4. Creating a Contact Plan and a  GamePlan

        5.3.5. Your support team

Take-Away Work

Participants are expected to come up with a clear Vision Map and Target Audience Matrix (both to be provided by the Facilitator) in preparation for Day 02 of the workshop.

Day 2

1. Create and Tell Your Unique Story

    1.1. Communication is Key

    1.2. Speeches Tell, Stories Sell

    1.3. Standing out from the crowd

2. Creating your Online and Offline Presence

    2.1. Build Social Communities

    2.2. Creating your Personal Professional Website

        2.2.1. Selecting and Creating a Personal Domain

        2.2.2. Making a creative theme for your website

        2.2.3. Adding appropriate content to your theme

    2.3. Creating a Professional Email Address

    2.4. Blogging and Microblogging

    2.5 Creating a memorable and persuasive Business Card

    2.6 Personal Aesthetics

3. Content Marketing and Social Media Management basics

4.   Building Professional Relationships

    4.1. Connecting at Local Events and Socio-Civic Organizations

    4.2. Connecting via Social Media

    4.3. Connecting via Groups and Forums

    4.4. Contributing via Articles and Guest Blogging

    4.5. Audio conferences and Webinars

    4.6. LinkedIn as an effective branding tool

    4.7. Online Advertising

    4.8. Free Online Press Releases

5. Monitoring Your Brand

    5.1. Utilizing Online Tools available

    5.2. Negativity

        5.2.1. How to handle Negativity effectively

6. Finding a Mentor

    6.1. Why the need for a mentor?

    6.2. What having a mentor brings to your career and brand?

    6.3. How to find a mentor and convince them to work with you?

Effective Business Communications

The one day course seeks to provide techniques on how to effectively communicate and craft messages in a business setting specifically through electronic mail, reports, presentations and correspondences. 



1. Business Communication as it applies in today's Business Environment

    1.1. Communicating a Multi-Generation Workforce

    1.2. Communicating with the right Culture in mind

2.The Communication Process: A Review

3.Choosing the Right Words

4.The 3-Step Writing Process

5.Supporting Messages with Quality Information

6.Crafting Brief Messages: Positive, Negative and Electronic Messages

7.Reports and Presentations: How to do them the right way

8.Designing and Delivering Online and Oral Presentations

The Art of Making a Pitch: Mastering Presentation Skills to Capture Your Audience

The Course provides participants with tools and techniques to provide them that winning edge and confidence when tasked to present in front of a crowd of 5 or 500. Being able to talk and communicate your ideas in front of a group of people is essential to making it in any industry where the key to moving forward is being able to put oneself out there and convince them that what you think and believe in is the next big thing.



1.The Fear of Public Speaking

    1.1.Why do we need to?

    1.2.What do we get out of it?

    1.3.Can I just sit down and not talk at all?

2.Qualities of an Effective Public Speaker

3.Taking the Fear out of Public Speaking

4.STEP 1: Thinking of the Presentation

    4.1. What does your audience need?

    4.2. What does your boss need to hear?

    4.3. How do I reconcile both?

    4.4. How do I start writing?

5.STEP 2: Making the Presentation

    5.1. How should I start my presentation?

    5.2. How do I make it interesting?

    5.3. How do I end with a bang?

6.STEP 3: Delivering the Presentation

    6.1.How do I get the jitters out?

    6.2.How should I look like?

    6.3.How should I act in front of people?

    6.4.What if?

7.Feedback: A speaker's best companion


Project Management Fundamentals

It discusses the basic of project management. Participants are exposed to the various concepts and theories on the conception, implementation and evaluation of the project. Likewise, participants will be given practical cases to test their understanding of the subject matter.

Essentials of Supervision and Management

The workshop seeks to give an overview of the basic and important aspects of supervision and management. It seeks to develop them to become an effective, efficient and productive supervisor and manager. 




1.  What is Management?

2.  Efficiency, Effectiveness and Performance

3.  Organizational Performance

4.  Managerial Functions

5.  Types of Managers

6.  Levels of Management

7.  Managerial Roles and Skills

8.  What it Takes to Be a Supervisor

9.  What Happens when One Becomes a Supervisor

10. Bad Supervisor vs. Good Supervisor

11.  Common Mistakes of New Supervisors

12.  The Roles & Responsibilities of a Supervisor

13.  Mentoring vs. Coaching

14.  Motivating Staff/ Team Members

15.  Disciplining Staff/ Team Members

16.  Habits of Effective Supervisors

17.  Characteristics of a Wonderful GM

18.  From Good Supervisor to Great Leader

19.  GM’s Advice and Father’s Advice

Customer Relations: Handling Angry Customers and Customer Complaints

Participants to learn how to effectively respond to customer complaints, handle difficult customers and satisfactorily resolve customer complaints. 




1.  Customer Service and Customer Satisfaction

2.  Types of Difficult Customers

3.  Understanding Difficult Customers

4.  Dealing with Difficult Customers

5.  Understanding Customer Complaints

6.  Key Stages in Customer Complaints

7.  Five Steps to Handling Customer Complaints

8.  Golden Rules in Handling Complaints

9.  Handling Difficult Situations

10. 7 Steps for Dealing with Angry Customers

11. How to Talk to Your Angriest Customers

12. How to be Cool and Calm

13. Take the H.E.A.T. and Give Your H.E.A.R.T.

14. Bounce back with S.E.R.V.I.C.E.



Improve Business: Boost Productivity

The participant will learn about or revisit the important aspects of making dreams come true and HOW to get things (plans) done – and done well (quality output) and done on time (speed and timeliness). 


1. Customers and Customer Satisfaction/ Delight

2. The Daffodil Principle

3. The Four Essential W’s to Make Dreams Come True

4. The 6 Steps to Get Things Done or to Achieve Goals

5. How to Get Things Done Well and On-Time: The ISO Way of Doing Things

6. Quality Policy, Objectives, Realization Plans, and PPA

7. Customer Requirements and Customer Communication

8. Punctuality, Timeliness, HTA and Sense of Urgency

9. Time Management vs. Priority Management


Methods of Business Research

A course on the basic methods used in research for business and commerce. Participants will be asked to identify a research problem that needs to be addressed in their respective disciplines. They will also be tasked to create basic research instruments and use essential statistical tools to help them evaluate and interpret the results of the study. 

Knowledge Management

A Course that focuses on the principles of the management of knowledge in the firm to keep competitive advantage. Participants are expected to apply the theories as to how knowledge is generated, maintained, preserved and passed on to members of the organization for strategic positioning purposes in the industry. 


Crisis Management

It equips the students training to handle office and corporate crises using sound, logical, ethical and legal frameworks. Ideal participants are mid-level and top-level managers of corporations and companies. 

Coaching and Mentoring Your Staff

The participant will learn about or revisit the essentials, i.e. basic and important aspects, of mentoring and coaching. These will help him/her become a more effective mentor/ coach for his/her team and organization.


1. Mentoring, Coaching and Leadership

2. Leadership Functions

3. Types of Leaders

4. Leader Roles and Skills

5. What it takes to Be a Leader, Mentor, Coach

6. Mentoring vs. Coaching

7. Bad Mentor/ Coach vs. Good Mentor/ Coach

8. Common Mistakes of New Mentors/ Coaches

9. The Roles & Responsibilities of a Mentor and a Coach

10. Traits & Habits of Effective Mentors/ Coaches


Improving Organizational Values and Culture

Facilitator: Conrado Favorito

The participant will learn about or revisit the important aspects of organizational culture and HOW to manage these to achieve better organizational performance as well as HOW to improve the organizational culture being nurtured &followed by leaders, managers and workers in order to improve organizational performance


1.  What is Organizational Culture or Corporate Culture?

2.  The Importance of Managing the Culture Well

3.  Leadership and Vision, Mission & Quality Policy

4.  Organizational Culture & Values Programs

5.  The 8 Principles of Quality Management

6.  The Presidential “Philippine Quality Award” Criteria

7.  Corporate Core Values

8.  Rotary International’s 4-Way Test

9.  The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

10. Unity & Integrity (U&I) for Harmony and Productivity

11. Programs to Improve the Organizational Culture


Promoting Unity and Integrity in the Organization

The participant will learn about or revisit the importance of developing and managing organizational values, especially integrity and unity, in order to improve the organization’s performance as a whole.


1. Performance Excellence

2. Vision, Mission, Principles, Values

3. Core Values and Corporate Culture

4. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

5. Private Victory and Public Victory

6. The Father and Mother of All Values

7. Integrity, Honesty, Transparency, Character and Sincerity (I Have To Cultivate Sincerity)

8. Unity, Harmony, Teamwork, Cooperation and Synergy (U have To Cultivate Synergy)

9. How to Improve Character, Competence, Cooperation& Customer Satisfaction (The 4 Cs)


Smart Investment for Real Estate

This course is effective for new real estate investors, and aspiring real estate managers. It will provide them with the tools, knowledge and skills necessary to evaluate real estate investment opportunities, confidently and efficiently.


Part I: Basic Knowledge

1.What is real estate investing

    1.1.Difference between flipping and investing and saving

2.Why invest in real estate

    2.1.Characteristics of real estate

    2.2.Market trends, How to invest in real estate (basic)

3.How to invest real estate (basic)

    3.1.Starting small or even with no money at all 


    4.1.Difference between flipping and investing and saving

    4.2.Characteristics of real estate

    4.3.Equity vs down payment







Part II: Psychology

1.Investing Psychology: Real Estate

2.IQ vs EQ

    2.1.Intellectual readiness vs Emotional readiness  Getting Ready



Part III: Real Estate Numbers 

1.Basic accounting in Real Estate

    1.1.Understanding return on investment  Basics on Taxes and mortgage

2.Basics on Taxes and mortgage


    2.2.Real property tax

    2.3.Down payment vs Equity

    2.4.Costs in loan application



Part IV: Further Study (to be offered)

1.Understanding Real Estate Taxes: Advanced

2.Laws covering real estate investing

3.Appraisal for real estate investors 

4.Real Estate Marketing



Financial Management

The course seeks to develop skills on financial planning, budgeting and accountability. It seeks to help the participants make sound financial decisions, practical investments and sustain financial growth and wellness.


1. Why It Pays to Be Financially Responsible

2. Money and Goals

3. Researching and Buying a Car

4. Financing Your Education

5. Finding the Right Career for You

6. Why Credit Matters

7. Protecting Your Identity

8. Money and Roommates

9. Making a Budget

10. Saving for a Rainy Day

11. Sharpening Money Decisions

12. Selecting a Banking Partner

13. Understanding Your Take Home Pay

14. Taking Credit for Your Finances

15. Staying Out of Debt

16. A House to Call Your Own

17. Protect Yourself

18. Interest in Investing

19. The Forces of the Financial Universe

20. When You Need an Expert

21. How to Make Money with Money

22. Do the Right Thing

The Art of Making a Pitch

This course is an 8-hour course which aims to provide participants with tools and techniques to provide them that winning edge and confidence when tasked to present in front of a crowd of 5 or 500. Being able to talk and communicate your ideas in front of a group of people is essential to making it in any industry where the key to moving forward is being able to put oneself out there and convince them that what you think and believe in is the next big  thing.


Points to be discussed are as follows:

  • The Fear of Public Speaking
    •  Why do we need to?
    •  What do we get out of it?
    •  Can I just sit down and not talk at all?
  • Qualities of an Effective Public Speaker
  • Taking the Fear out of Public Speaking
  • STEP 1: Thinking of the Presentation
    •  What does your audience need?
    •  What does your boss need to hear?
    •  How do I reconcile both?
    •  How do I start writing?
  • STEP 2: Making the Presentation
    • How should I start my presentation?
    • How do I make it interesting?
    • How do I end with a bang?
  • STEP 3: Delivering the Presentation
    • How do I get the jitters out?
    • How should I look like?
    • How should I act in front of people?
    • What if?
  • Feedback: A speaker's best companion

Leadership Role in Today's Business Organization


Leadership and Management Organization can either be over- led and under- managed or under-led and over-managed or even over-led and over-managed or under-led and under- managed. The key is to know how to lead and how to manage and how to keep a perfect blend of the two.
Creating and Sustaining the Culture you want for your Organization So much has been said and written about culture. One common school of thought is that leaders dictate it. Learn how you as a leader drive your organization’s culture.
Coaching and Mentoring Talent Management and Talent Retention are two of the major issues leaders face today. Learn how to use coaching and mentoring to handle these issues.
Effective Business Communications Everyone knows that most organization fail due to breakdown on communication. As leaders you can have a direct influence on how stakeholders communicate in your organization.
Making Sound Business Decisions based on Research As leaders we are tasked to make decisions day-in and day-out. We have to admit that we do not know everything and we need data and references before making a decision. Thus, we need to know how to research and how to maximize them.

        We offer in-house training for our corporate clients who are able to guarantee at least 10 students for the program. Please feel free to contact us should you have other questions about our courses and program rates.