iACADEMY's status as the first IBM Center of Execellence (CoE) in the Philippines and the ASEAN region and partnerships with companies like WACOM make iACADEMY one of the country's hubs for technology-focused learning. Courses at the School of Computing, which include Software Engineering, Game Programming and Design and Web Development, are ideal for aspiring professionals who want to acquire both academic smarts and practical know-how to get ahead in this wired and connected world.
Web Design Fundamentals will teach students to create a website using HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). Adobe Dreamweaver is used in this course to build web pages faster and more efficiently.
1. Introduction
1.1. What is Web Design
1.2. Learning the basics of Dreamweaver
1.3. What is HTML
1.4. Nesting Tags
1.5. Web browsers
2. HTML Structure
3. Introduction to Forms
3.1. Applying Different Input Types
3.2. Setting Input Type Attributes
3.3. Creating a Text Area Field
3.4. Creating Select Lists
4. CSS
4.1. What is CSS?
4.2. CSS Basics and Syntax
4.3. How to use CSS in your pages
4.4. What is an id?
4.5. What is a class?
4.6. CSS Background
4.7. CSS Tables
5. Using Photoshop to create your own web design and layout
6. Practical Exercises (converting Photoshop design to Dreamweaver)
7. Presentation of final websites
Course Description
This course aims to teach its students usage of a MEANlike stack using AngularJS, NodeJS, and MongoDB (with an optional stance of using EJS or Jade templating) for web application creation. The course also aims to teach the students an API/Microservice paradigm in web programming.
Participants should at least have a background in programming concepts, databases, HTML, CSS, and aBackend language or framework. If the participant does not know any backend language, database, orframework, the instructor can teach a quick lesson on a simple backend framework and MongoDB.
1. Level Gauging
a. Review of students’ skills and knowledge
2. Introduction
a. What is MEANStack
b. Capabilities of MEAN
c. Setting up the development environment
3. Getting Down to Business
a. The PhoneCat Angular Template
i. Welcome to AngularJS
b. Node and Angular
i. How Node and Angular will work together
c. NPM and Bower
i. Introduction to the package managers
d. Wiring Everything Up
4. Diving into Angular
a. The App.js
b. Controllers
c. Services
d. Directives (The Heart of Angular)
5. Design Your App
a. Students will take time designing an endgoal app/prototype.
b. Wireframing and Mockups
6. The Backend and Breaking Away from Monolithic Design
a. Review and Discussion on what backend technologies do the students know
b. The database (students may opt to follow MongoDB or choose their own).
c. The JSON document (standardized request/response object)
d. For students who are equipped with a backend tech, they may begin hacking.
e. For students who are not equipped:
i. Welcome to Java Spring and Maven!
ii. Resources and REST
iii. Connecting to your Database (suggested to use MongoDB)
iv. Creating your backend
f. Testing your Backend with DHC
7. Completion
a. Connecting your backend to your frontend.
b. Polishing
c. Presentation of results
Using Flash Framework, the course offers training participants from technical and non-technical background. The training is limited to client side application development. At the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to develop and run their own mobile applications.
1. Conceptualization
2. Documentation
3. Implementation
3.1. Programming
3.2. UI Design
3.3. Character build up
3.4. Character dynamics for code injection
3.5. Artificial Intelligence
3.6. Game Engine States
4. Publication
5. Monetization
The course focuses on a detailed discussion on the core concepts and practical application of Java Standard Edition (JSE). The principles of object oriented programming; exception handling, Java Collections Framework, bean persistence, multi-threading and design patterns will be discussed and implemented on this course.
1. Programming Fundamentals
2. OOP Concepts
3. Identifiers, Keywords and Java Data Types
4. Expressions and Flow Control Structures
5. Arrays
6. Java Class Features
7. Advance Class Features
8. Exceptions and Assertions
9. The String, String Buffer and StringBuilder Classes
10. I/O Manipulation
11. Generics
12. The Collection Framework
13. Bean Persistence
14. Multi-threading
15. Design Patterns
The course provides students with the knowledge to build and deploy enterprise applications that comply with Java 2 platform, enterprise edition (J2EE) standards. The course describes how to create dynamic web content using Java technology severlets and Javaserver pages ( JSP) technology, including custom tag library development.
1. Web Architecture and Web Application Concepts
1.1. The N-Tier Architecture
1.1.1. Client Tier
1.1.2. Presentation Tier
1.1.3. Business Tier
1.1.4. Integration Tier
1.2. Types of Web Applications
1.2.1. Presentation-oriented
1.2.2. Service-oriented
1.3. Java Web Application Request and Response Handling
1.3.1. Java Servlets
1.3.2. Java Server Pages (JSP)
1.4. Web Container Concepts
1.5. Types of Web Container
1.6. Web Application Life Cycle
1.7. Web Modules
1.8. Introduction to Servlets
1.9. Servlet Architecture
1.10. Servlet Container
1.11. Servlet Lifecycle
1.11.1. Instantiation
1.11.2. Initialization
1.11.3. Service
1.11.4. End of Service
1.12. Activity – Eclipse setup and configuration with Apache Tomcat server integration
1.13. Activity – application and deployment
2. Servlet Anatomy
2.1. Generating Servlet Response
2.2. Opening An Output Stream
2.3. Using the web.xml Deployment Descriptor
2.4. Servlets and HTML Forms
2.5. Handling Request Parameters
3. The RequestDispatcher Interface
3.1. Request Forwarding
3.2. Page Inclusion
3.3. The ServletContext Interface
3.4. Activity – Hands-On Activity and Take home Assignment
4. The ServletConfig Interface
4.1. Session Tracking Concepts
4.2. Types of Session Tracking
4.2.1. Cookies
4.2.2. HttpSession
4.2.3. URL Rewriting
4.2.4. Hidden Form Fields
5. Concepts of Cookies
5.1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Cookies
5.2. The Cookie API
5.3. Activity – application and deployment
5.4. Take home Assignment
6. The HttpSession Interface Concepts
6.1. Similarities and Differences with Cookies and HttpSession
6.2. The Cookie API
6.3. How to Destroy an HttpSession
6.3.1. Invalidate
6.3.2. Programmatic Session Timeout
6.3.3. Declarative Session Timeout
6.4. Activity – application and deployment
7. The URL Rewriting Concepts
7.1. Similarities and Differences with Cookies and HttpSession
7.2. Activity – application and deploymen
7.3. The Hidden Form Fields Concept
7.4. Activity – application and deployment
8. Java Server Pages (JSP) Concepts
8.1. JSP Architecture
8.2. JSPs and Servlets
8.3. Phases of JSP
8.3.1. Development Phase
8.3.2. Translation/Compilation Phase
8.3.3. Processing Phase
9.JSP Hierarchy
9.1. JSP Language Basics
9.2. JSP Constructs
9.3. Scripting Elements
9.4. Directives
9.5. Actions
9.6. JSP Scripting Comment
9.7. JSP Directive
9.8. JSP Scripting
9.9. JSP Expression
9.10. Activity – application and deployment
Take home Assignment
10. JSP Implicit Objects
10.1. request
10.2. response
10.3. out
10.4. session
10.5. application
10.6. exception
11. Redirection with JSPs
11.1. Java Collections Frameworks in JSP
11.2. JSP Session
11.3. JSP Cookies
11.4. JSP and XML Creation
11.5. Activity – application and deployment
12. JavaBeans in JSP
12.1. Types of JSP Action Tag
12.1.1. @
12.1.2. @
12.1.3. @
12.1.4. @
12.1.5. @
13. JSP Requirement for JavaBeans
14. JSP Expression Language
15. Activity – application and deployment
The course provides students with the knowledge to design and implement Android applications for handheld systems, such as smartphones and tablets using Java as the main programming language. Topics include designing the user interface, android resources, widgets, persistent data storage, alarm manage, android status bar and android preference framework.
This course give the students hands on training on game development, character manipulation and digital presentation.
1. Conceptualization
2. Documentation
3. Implementation
3.1. Programming
3.2. UI Design
3.3. Character build up
3.4. Character dynamics for code injection
3.5. Artificial Intelligence
3.6. Game Engine States
4. Publication
5. Monetization
This course deals with the concepts and skills needed in installing, administering, configuring and maintaining a Linux Based system running in an enterprise environment. It also discusses the deployment and configuration of various network services available in Linux.
Web Animation and Interactivity focuses on the implementation of deep and rich web interaction user-experience through the use of one of the most popular interactivity programs at the present time – Adobe Flash. The course goes through both Flash animation and fundamental Actionscript and how to efficiently deliver Flash applications to future visitor of the website.
The student will be able to incorporate most any original, artistic user-interactive concept to his or her website. This includes original website interface design as well as game design for interactive entertainment. In addition, with the advent of portable, personal computer devices such as Android and the iPad, knowledge of Flash extends now to these mainstream gadgets.
Course Outline
Introduction to Adobe Flash
Art in Adobe Flash
Animation in Adobe Flash
Objects in Adobe Flash
Basic Adobe Flash Interactivity
Adobe Flash and Media Files
Adobe Flash Website