Web Development

Learn the art of crafting interactive and visually appealing websites that leave a lasting impact.

The Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT) program is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills to bridge the gap between computer programming and the end-user experience through the effective and efficient utilization of hardware and software technologies.

Aside from the traditional information technology core and professional subjects, students will enroll in domain-specific subjects or electives which will allow him/her to major in Web Development. By specializing in Web Development, students are trained in the design and implementation of web-based applications. Students are not only trained in programming the functionality of the application but they will also become well-versed in applying the fundamental principles of design to ensure its aesthetics and usability. This is done by preparing students in the digital manipulation of data and computer-generated imagery to create both practical and attractive interfaces for a wide-range of applications. Utilizing sound information technology and digital media methods, the program delivers proper training in the design, implementation, and management of information systems that can support the front and back end needs of companies and institutions. iACADEMY’S Web Development Program takes 11 trimesters to finish.

Student Work
“COSY”: An Ordering Web Application System For School Canteens

by Kyra Monica Fornolles, Jethro Cyrus Babasa, Edmarc John Marcos

There's no denying the significance of time in a student's life, and when precious minutes are squandered in long canteen lines, the frustration is palpable. Recognizing this, a team of brilliant students from our School of Computing has crafted an innovative solution to redefine the traditional cafeteria experience. "COSY" is a revolutionary web application system specifically designed to streamline ordering in school canteens.

COSY emerged from a comprehensive study that unveiled the inconvenient reality of students spending a disproportionate amount of their break time waiting to be served in the canteen. In response to this pressing issue, our creative group of students leveraged their technological skills to conceive COSY - a pioneering Software-as-a-Service web application. With this ingenious solution, students can effortlessly browse menu options, place orders, monitor progress, and receive e-receipts at their fingertips.

COZY was met with resounding applause when introduced to iACADEMY students for testing. It succeeded in its mission of curbing waiting times, maximizing break durations, and enhancing the overall canteen experience. Constructive feedback was also received, illuminating areas for improvement and revealing bugs - an invaluable component of our students' iterative development process.

Nonetheless, the journey to perfection continues. The team acknowledges the necessity for further comprehensive testing, including gaining insights from cafeteria staff, to ensure the web application meets its objectives. Embodying the essence of relentless learning and improvement we foster at the School of Computing, the students are committed to refining COSY to its utmost potential.

"COSY" is a beacon of innovation and practical problem-solving, hallmarks of our School of Computing. As we celebrate this significant capstone project, we invite you to experience the transformation COSY promises to bring to school canteens. We are immensely proud of our students for their creativity, technical acumen, and unwavering determination as they continue to shape the future of technology and society.

Alumni Game Changer
“Why did I pursue BSIT - Web Development? It’s a creative and fun experience! I love designing, and to be able to bring it alive through coding is thrilling. In web development, I get the best of both worlds – designing and coding. I’m passionate about being critical for logic and design. As a woman in tech, I try to help create a place where women can be heard and valued.”

- Jessica Gavino, Quality Assurance Engineer at Reliable
A graduate of BSIT Web Development (2017)

What makes iACADEMY’s Website Development Program?

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