Animation (ANI) Strand provides students with opportunities to express their visual creativity through drawing and storytelling with the aid of computer technology.

ANI focuses on Figure and Freehand drawing, traditional animation principles, digital illustration techniques as well as 2D and 3D methodology.

Student Work
Run Cycle Progression entitled “Claire," by Trisha Maniti

Grade 12 Senior High School #iACADEMYGameChangers produced 2D Progression Shots of original characters to show the breakdown of how the final animation was created.

Alumni Game Changer

“My experiences in PBL helped me to strive more in creating better outputs. By experiencing winning, as well as getting advice from the industry professionals who've judged our PBL outputs, I've learned not to settle for creating mediocre work as much as possible, and that I have to drive myself beyond my capabilities if I want to stand out from the usual things that are being created.

For certain, animation still isn't that widespread in the Philippines and only certain schools can provide programs like that. What I like about iACADEMY are the industry professionals as professors, the equipment and software that we can use for our projects, events with accomplished speakers, and the industry partners they have with other companies. Which, those things will certainly be of help when pursuing careers in the animation industry someday. That, and my SHS accomplishments also helped me attain a scholarship, so I was also able to stay.”

- Lian Llose, BS Animation

Ready to be a game changer?

Start your application at iACADEMY for SHS or College and elevate your learning experiences with our specialized curriculum that guarantees 96% job placement rate.